Sahel Mojave
Location (including states/countries)
several countries across the whole of Sub-Saharan Africa along the south edge
of the Sahara desert. Includes Sudan, Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso.
in south-western USA, mostly in California but also extends into Nevada, Utah
and Arizona.
How does this affect land-use management?
difficult to reach agreements between countries, strategies end up being
disjointed. Some countries more proactive than others when it comes to environmental
conservation. Some countries face political instability and have a lack of
decision-making infrastructure making cooperation difficult. Weak links
between different levels of government (e.g. central government and local
authorities) may make management strategies difficult to implement.
entire area is within one country which has a strong system of government.
Governmental and non-governmental organisations are able to work together
effectively and a strong law-and-order system allows policies to be enforced.
The USA also has well-respected environmental pressure groups. Conservation
is generally seen as an important issue.
Economy (e.g. GNP)
= $380 per capita; Mali = $700
= $50,000 per capita
How does this affect land-use management?
is a huge issue for both countries and individuals. National governments need
to prioritise where to spend a limited amount of money and they may choose to
invest in other areas such as industry or cities rather than the sparsely
populated Sahel. At a local scale people have little time or money to spend
on land management projects as they are too pre-occupied with their
day-to-day survival.
USA is highly developed and affluent country where most people live a higher
quality of life than those in the Sahel and hence have time for other
considerations such as the environment. Desert areas are seen as resources
which can be exploited and the challenges they pose can be overcome with
large scale projects as money is not so much of an issue as it is in Africa.
Natural Processes (local climate, desertification,
is a major problem in the Sahel. The high rate of population growth (thought
to be doubling every 20 years) is putting a lot of pressure on an
environment, which has experienced a significant reduction in rainfall since
the 1970s. Prolonged droughts are common, and when the rains finally do come
they can result in flash floods, causing even more destruction to any crops
that survived the drought.
from the UN:
the last half century, the combined effects of population growth, land
degradation (deforestation, continuous cropping and overgrazing), reduced and
erratic rainfall, lack of coherent environmental policies and misplaced
development priorities, have contributed to transform a large proportion of
the Sahel into barren land, resulting in the deterioration of the soil and
water resource” |
vulnerable to desertification due to climate change and mis-managed grazing,
the process is largely kept under control and is much less of a threat in the
herding and cultivation is the main form of land-use in the Sahel with many
people being subsistence farmers. Traditionally Sahelian people were nomadic,
moving to greener pastures and leaving other areas to re-grow. However, a
combination of enforced colonial barriers and population increase (3% per
year) that is outstripping food production (2% per year) has led to settling
of the nomadic population and hence overgrazing and overcultivation.
settled population is also removing trees and vegetation to use for fuelwood
as they have no other source of energy. This is extremely unsustainable as it
removes the protective cover of the soil, reinforcing the desertification
process. Low levels of education and security mean that people do not realise
or do not have a choice but to destroy their own environment. A lack of
knowledge may also lead them carry out inappropriate farming techniques such
as over-irrigation, which can lead to soil salinization.
some initiatives have been put in place to place to tackle these problems.
Most of these are small-scale and low-cost. For example the use of diguettes to
reduce soil erosion, early-warning systems to prevent drought-induced food
shortages, use of more efficient farming techniques such as drip-irrigation
and high-yielding crop varieties, and afforestation programmes such as ‘Sahel
was one of the first agricultural activities due to the arid climate of this
area but the development of large scale irrigation allowed more intensive
forms of agriculture such as cotton, grapes, nuts, vegetable and alfalfa – a
forage crop for cattle.
has brought a number of problems including salinization and a lowering of the
water table.
Sahel suffers from frequents droughts and hence famines as they are extremely
dependent on rainfall and have few back-up options. When the rains do come
they often lack the ability to store water. Millions are dependent on
long-term aid to survive.
situation is totally different in the USA as development and technology has
enabled the country to not only meet individual water needs but also provide
for intensive irrigation. However this is not without its problems.
Colorado river is a heavily used source of water for irrigation. This has led
to a decrease in discharge and an increase in salinity downstream and caused
tensions between the USA and Mexico.
water supplies are the Sierra Nevada Mountains, from which water is
transported via the California Aqueduct and sub-surface aquifers. Conflicts
over water allocations have also occurred between farmers, the water
authority and Native Americans.
mining is carried out in the Sahel such as ACM corporation who mine for
manganese in Mali and Burkina Faso. Gold has also been mined in Mali as well
as Senegal. This provides some local employment opportunities but riots have
also occurred in mining areas by locals who are unhappy with the lack of
benefits they have had from mining revenues. As well as environmental impacts
it has also created problems such as prostitution in the once tiny in the
once tiny and very traditional village of Diabougou, which is now home to
thousands of informal minors.
south western states are an important source of minerals such as copper,
silver, gold and salts from the Great Salt Lake in Utah. In the Mojave desert
itself Molycorp has begun mining for rare earth elements, which are used in
many products from mobile phones to missiles systems. Mining is a costly
process both economically and environmentally, but new methods are being
developed to reduce the impacts.
in Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea, Ethiopia have all hindered efforts to develop
sustainable land-use management strategies. Deliberate burning of vegetation
and deforestation by for fuelwood by refugees has is accelerating the process
of desertification.
large amount of land in the Mojave is owned by the Department of Defence, who
have several training bases there. They have been heavily involved in
developing the West Mojave Management Plan which aims to conserve the
biological resources of the area. They have also established a scientific
database (the Mojave Desert Ecosystem Program) to assist with sustainable
management of the environment.
are some tourist attractions in the Sahel such as the rock engravings of Pobe
Mengao in Burkina Faso as well as wildlife parks. Some of the Tuareg people
in Mali and Niger earn an important part of their income running trips into
the Sahara desert. However, many people are put off by fears of kidnappings
and terrorist attacks. E.g. 4 French hostages were taken in Niger by Al-Qaeda
in October 2013.
is an important industry and major source of employment in the Mojave with
millions of visitors attracted to honeypot locations such as the Death Valley
and Joshua Tree National Parks every year. This poses a huge management
challenge for the authorities who have to balance the tourist’s needs with
environmental conservation. Strategies have been implemented to reduce the
impact of tourism. For example the Bureau of Land Management had designated
large areas for the use of off-road vehicles, in the hope that other areas
will be conserved. However in 2009 environmental groups won a court order to
prevent further expansion of the area as the judge found that they BLM had
failed to consider other alternatives or carry out adequate environmental
impact assessments.
cities in this area such as Las Vegas also attract many tourists who come for
the gambling and live entertainment.
the Sahel is largely rural, urbanisation has been occurring in some places,
particularly around existing large cities but also in other areas. For
example in Mali the number of urban centres containing 5-10 000 people
increased from 16 to 59 in less than 30 years. This rapid urbanization has
brought all the problems that area seen with slums in development countries;
issues with water supply, congestion, pollution, crime, housing and waste.
Population increase and desertification are greatly contributing to
rural-urban migration.
population of the Mojave has rapidly increased since the 90s and is expected
to triple within 20 years. Las Vegas is home to 2 million people with a
further 1 million living in the semi-arid area of Greater Los Angeles. There
is an increasing demand for retirement homes due to the potential to enjoy
all-year-round sunshine from an air-conditioned home. Commercial developments
and a new airport is planned to serve Las Vegas. All of these are potentially
very damaging to the sensitive desert ecosystem.
management for all of these people and developments is a challenging and
controversial issue. A recent initiative in Barstow attracted 500 people to
help clean up all sort of rubbish including abandoned cards, sofas and
washing machines from the surrounding desert area. In 2009 a planning
application to create a massive landfill site in Joshua Tree NP was turned
down. The site would have received 20 000 tons of waste from LA every day for
117 years.
in the Sahel is a secondary consideration since many people are not able to
lead a decent quality of life themselves.
awareness is much higher in the USA, especially in a fragile ecosystem like
the Mojave Desert which is home to several endangered species, and large amounts
of funding have gone into conservation projects. For example, between 1996
and 2006 $93 million was spent on saving the Mojave desert tortoise from the
brink of extinction.