Wednesday 12 November 2014

Geography Infographic Competition - Win £25 To Spend Online!

Are you aged 18 or under?

Would you like to win £25 to spend at Etsy? As the home of beautiful, unique, hand-made and vintage products, an Etsy Gift Card would make a great present; either for a loved one or to treat yourself for all your hard work in geography!

All you have to do to be in with a chance of winning is to create an infographic about a topic you have studied in Geography. You could use this an an opportunity to create an effective revision poster for a key case study. For example you might want to look at the impacts of a conflict you have studied, or a natural disaster. Whatever you chose, you should aim to keep it relatively simple so the information can be presented clearly and be easily understood.

You can create your infographic however you want, it can even be drawn by hand! But it must be in the style of an infographic, i.e. it should include real-life, detailed, place-specific information or data and it should include some type of map or graph created by YOU (good way to practise you geographical skills!)

If you do want to use the computer you might want to try out the websites below; and don't forget, you must reference all your sources of information.

Additionally, the Guardian has a good article on making infographics, which you can read here. Search for 'infographic' on Google to get some inspiration, or have a look at the examples below. You can use maps, graphs, images, text - be creative!

Send your entry to by Monday 15th December 2014 along with

  • your name
  • your date of birth
  • the name of your school or college
  • please write 'infographic competition' in the subject line

The winner will be notified by email and their infographic displayed on this website. Good luck!


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